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GPOPlus Exits Stealth Mode at ASD Market Week Show In Las Vegas 1600 × 815 px

GPOPlus+ has put the entire industry on notice that there is a new player in town and we did it in a BIG way. Over 20 team members from across the country to include FL, CO, NY & NJ flew into Las Vegas last weekend to participate in ASD Market Week Fall 2021. This event to date has been our biggest stage and best opportunity to shine and we took advantage of every opportunity to stick out and announce our presence to include (Whatever Door Signage is Called) and the LV debut of the GPOPlus+ promo booth imported all the way from Florida for this show. 

Being that this was the first time that our entire company had participated in a singular show and our first major show, we saw this as the perfect opportunity to test our business model and show proof of concept that we have an idea that we can upscale to serve many different industries. GPOPlus+ also used this opportunity to launch our Merchant Services Division that was a huge success at the show. 

To better understand our business model it is important to understand what exactly a GPO is. A Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) is an entity that is created to leverage the purchasing power of a group of business (or individuals) to obtain discounts from vendors based on the collective buying power of the GPO. GPOs negotiate discounted rates from vendors and service providers which are then passed onto their members. The first GPOs were established in the early 1900s and were initially set up as buying groups for hospitals and the healthcare industry. Today group purchasing organizations and buyers clubs exist in a wide variety of industries, fields and technologies. 

“We are excited to come out of stealth mode and let the world know about GPOX,” said Brett H. Pojunis, CEO of GPOX. “We felt we had a great idea with the Group Purchasing concept and wanted to prove the business model while in stealth model until we felt we had something special and scalable which we believe is now”!

Continuing, Pojunis said, “We build GPOs for industries that are underrepresented, underserved, and fragmented. Unlike traditional GPOs, we have low MOQs (minimum order quantities) which enable small and mid-sized companies to realize better pricing and allow them to be more competitive with larger corporations.”

ASD Market Week is the most comprehensive consumer merchandise trade show in the country. Held Twice a year in Las Vegas, the world’s widest variety of products comes together in one efficient 4-day shopping experience that includes items at every price point and quantity. ASD Market Week included over 1,500 vendors, over 1 million product lines and 19 merchandise categories. The buying power of ASD Market Week is what separates this convention from the rest of the trade shows that take place during the convention calendar. ASD has over 25,000 buyers in attendance with 98% of attendees having buying power. 

“This is the first big trade show that we participated in since the pandemic started, and I believe this show is one of the best shows in the country, even thought there was only two halls open, the response and attendees were incredible and the interest in all that GPO Plus offers was better than expected.” said Wayne Smeal, (something title) GPOX.

Continuing, Smeal said, “We will be doing the next ASD show at the end of February 2022 which will have three halls open and I believe will be even better than this one.”